Fifty things I love about Christmas

I've had a bit of a break from blogging for the last month. Having written two blog posts a week all year, I figured I deserved it. This one is a bit self-indulgent too. I've got nothing profound to say about writing (you'll have to wait until January for that), I just wanted, on Christmas Eve eve, to list just a few of the reasons why I love Christmas (in no particular order): A week (at least) off work Morrison's cranberry and white chocolate boule Seeing family Having such a bad memory that even the presents I bought for myself are a nice surprise People smiling Chocolate with no excuses or guilt Fairytale of New York by Kirsty McColl and the Pogues The Christmas bumper edition Radio Times Children getting excited Two weeks off Seminary A beautiful Christmas tree in my living room Roast parsnips (the ones they do at the Two Brewers in Chelmsford are the best ever) The Downton Abbey Christmas special (apparently no one dies this year) Choosing perfe...