Some Christmas Gift Ideas

While I don't hold myself out to be any sort of expert in gift buying (I once bought my sister a packet of Pez for Christmas) I thought it might be helpful at this time of year to share a few ideas of gifts which have been well received. Studio do a personalised bathrobe, for men, women and children , at just £7.99. It's not terrible quality for the price too. Last year almost everyone in our family ended up with one, and mine is still going strong. Got a chocoholic friend who's always on a diet? My "joke" gift this year is a hamper of chocolate-not-chocolate . It includes chocolate scented shower gel, lip balm, moisturiser, and a face mask, plus a small jigsaw puzzle of chocolate, a chocolate scented candle, and anything else I find between now and Christmas that's chocolate but not edible. (And because I'm not that cruel, the follow-up gift will be her favourite actual chocolate.) If you've a whole family to buy for take out the hassle of fig...